Ultra Monitoring Service
- Ultrasound monitoring provides a non-invasive predictive maintenance service to industry. Ultrasonic inspection systems respond to the in-audible, or ultrasonic elements of these acoustic emissions. Human hearing capacity is in range of 20Hz to 20 KHz and the ultrasonic sound being monitored is sound waves that occur in the 20 to 100 KHz range, making it impossible for early detection of a developing problem without the competent use of an Ultra Probe. Ultraprobe is sensible enough to detect pinhole leakage as low as 1psi.
- Friction in moving equipment also generates ultrasonic sound as lubricants loss its property and bearings wear, serious defects are clearly heard, while subtle defects create noticeable changes in ultrasonic sound levels. These subtle changes indicate that a particular bearing or gearbox is started to fail. Hence it can also be used as condition monitoring tool.
- Ultrasound Monitoring has a very wide area of application such as Slow speed bearing monitoring, Flaw detection, Vacuum leakage, Pressure leakage (air/steam), Substations, Heat exchanger electrical discharge (Arcing, Flashing, Corona etc.), Steam traps, Bearing, Gearboxes, Valves etc.

Slow speed Bearing Monitoring:
UT is proved to be very useful in early detection of any fault in case of bearing with very low rpm and it can help in vibration analysis also.
Electrical Discharges: Arcing, Flashing and Corona discharges can be confirmed by UT with maximum safety in electrical system.
Flaw Detection: Propagation of sound waves through solid materials is used to detect hidden cracks, voids, porosity, and other internal discontinuities in metals, composites, plastics, and ceramics. High frequency sound waves reflect from flaws in predictable ways, producing distinctive echo patterns that can be displayed and recorded by portable instruments.
Flow Measurement: It is used for determining the flow through pipes. It highly accurate flow solutions to clients who wish to determine and report accurate liquid flow rate without having to halt a process or cut through pipes. A high quality clamp on flow meter should be capable of maintaining accuracy in working in conditions where there are temperature fluctuations in the process and the surrounding environment.
Leak Detection: About 10% of industrial electricity consumption is used in powering compressed air systems which are safe, reliable and versatile. A compressed air system that has minimal leaks and is energy efficient could save your company a lot of money”.
The problem lies in detecting just exactly where, in your system, air leakage is occurring. That’s where the use of an ultrasonic leak detector can help. It has been found that typically 20 – 30% of compressed air produced on site is lost through leaks. However, proactive leak detection and repair program can reduce leaks to less than 10% of compressor output.
UT is proved to be very useful in early detection of any fault in case of bearing with very low rpm and it can help in vibration analysis also.
Electrical Discharges: Arcing, Flashing and Corona discharges can be confirmed by UT with maximum safety in electrical system.
Flaw Detection: Propagation of sound waves through solid materials is used to detect hidden cracks, voids, porosity, and other internal discontinuities in metals, composites, plastics, and ceramics. High frequency sound waves reflect from flaws in predictable ways, producing distinctive echo patterns that can be displayed and recorded by portable instruments.
Flow Measurement: It is used for determining the flow through pipes. It highly accurate flow solutions to clients who wish to determine and report accurate liquid flow rate without having to halt a process or cut through pipes. A high quality clamp on flow meter should be capable of maintaining accuracy in working in conditions where there are temperature fluctuations in the process and the surrounding environment.
Leak Detection: About 10% of industrial electricity consumption is used in powering compressed air systems which are safe, reliable and versatile. A compressed air system that has minimal leaks and is energy efficient could save your company a lot of money”.
The problem lies in detecting just exactly where, in your system, air leakage is occurring. That’s where the use of an ultrasonic leak detector can help. It has been found that typically 20 – 30% of compressed air produced on site is lost through leaks. However, proactive leak detection and repair program can reduce leaks to less than 10% of compressor output.

- Reduced wear and operating costs for compressors.
- Early fault detection reduce risk of failure of plant machinery
- Ability to quickly locate costly leaks reducing waste and downtime
- Ultrasonic technique detects many problems that cannot be distinguished in the normal audible range due to surrounding background noise.
- Ultrasonic technique is non-destructive and does not adversely affect or interfere with the component, equipment or system being accessed.
- Ultrasonic testing can be performed while equipment is in operation