Holiday/Spark Testing
  • High and low voltage spark testing on painted; glass lined or coated pipes and
  • vessels to detect damages of interior coating applications on surfaces.
  • • A test voltage is applied to the coating by moving a brush probe across the
  • surface and where there is either a pinhole or flaw, the voltage will spark
  • through the coating at the flawed location, a red flashing indicator will flash and
  • an audible alarm will sound.
  • • The detected flaw can now be marked for subsequent repair and testing
  • resumed for the remaining surface area. If no flaws are detected the test will
  • therefore be non-destructive.
  • • The value of the test voltage is determined by the dielectric or voltage strength
  • of the coating thickness. As a rough guide the test voltage can be approximated
  • between 3 to 5 volts per micron of coating thickness, therefore 1000 micron
  • would be approx 3kV to 5kV test voltage.
  • • Holiday tests are particularly important when applying anti-corrosive coatings,
  • because undetected holidays leave the underlying metal prone to corrosion at
  • those locations.
    High and low voltage spark testing on painted; glass lined or coated pipes and vessels to detect damages of interior coating applications on surfaces.
  • Welding is a modern manufacturing process that joins two or more materials. Just joining the two members is not enough to with stand the loads for longer duration.
  • Hence it is essential to prove that a welding procedure meets the quality standards set forth and also to ensure the welder is capable of producing consistently good quality, defect fee welds.
  • A welding procedure is a systematic method that is used to repeatedly produce sound quality weld joints.
  • Various national and international fabrication codes, standards and specifications are currently being followed to prepare the welding procedure specifications (WPS) to qualify the fabrications welding procedures. The procedure qualification record (PQR) is a document that consists of a record of test results on the welded coupon.
  • Non Destructive Testing NDT Level II / I certification as per ASNT recommended practice SNT TC 1A,
    • Ultrasonic testing UT Level I / II,
    • Radiography film interpretation Level II,
    • Eddy Current testing Level I/II,
    • Magnetic particle testing Level I/II,
    • Liquid (dye) Penetrant testing FPI Inspections Level I/II,
    • Ultrasonic thickness Gauging Level II and
    • Visual testing Level I/II.

Have any Questions? Call us Today!

(+91) 72111-31238


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